CFOP (short for Cross, First two layers, Orient last layer, Permute last layer) is by far the most commonly used speedcubing method. Out of the many existing variations I'll go over the steps that I always take to solve the cube. This is not the most efficient way, but it's elegant enough for the solve to not feel tedious like with many beginner variations.
The first step is to build a cross on one side. I'll start on white for simplicity but any side is fine. Important are only the edge pieces of the color you're making your cross on. Position them so that they line up with both their neighbouring center pieces.
In this step we'll complete the first two layers of the cube. This is done by first pairing up a corner with its corresponding edge and then inserting them together into their respective slot. There's two very general cases you can run into: either the corner edge pair can be built on the top layer, or the side colors are reversed when you join them. For the first case you just build the pair and then insert it. The second case is solved by getting the corner above its slot and the edge pieces opposite of it. Then you join the pair up during the insertion of the pair into its slot. If you have a white piece face top, reorient it and go from there.
Now we'll create a yellow cross on the top layer, ignoring the permutation of the edges. You can run into three cases, each of which can be solved easily.
If you have no yellow edges facing the top, apply any one of the following algorithms and you'll reach one of the cases below.
This step completes the yellow face on top by orienting all the remaining pieces. This is done using the following algorithms that you're just going to have to learn.
An x before the algortihm means you have to rotate the cube upwards so that the yellow side is facing the back before applying the algorithm.
This is the last step of the solve after which we'll be done. There is again a number of different cases you can run into and there's one algorithm for each of them. A lot of cases come in symmetric pairs so the two algorithms are merely their mirror variants, meaning if you know one you also know the other simply by mirroring the algorithm to your left hand.
An x' before the algorithm means you have to rotate the cube towards yourself so that the yellow side is facing you.
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